Volunteer at Karma Kitchen

(LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth, LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills, LO5-. Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively, LO6-engagement with issues of global significance, LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions) Karma kitchen is a fully-volunteer-led event whose sole purpose is to […]

Project: ON AIR( school radio station)

( L2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills, L3- initiate and plan a CAS experience, L4-commitment to and perseverance, L5-. Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively, L7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions) A place that provides a perfect communication platform and students a chance to explore the […]

CAS Reflection _ Excercise (Activity)

I have found that exercise helps improve physical health by increasing endurance, agility, flexibility and strength to the body. Exercise also helps improve mental health by increasing blood flow to the brain and relieving the body of anxiety and other negative emotions. For saying that I have successfully complete this experience, I decided to observe […]

CAS Reflection _ Cybersecurity (Creativity and Service)

In today’s world everything is being digitized from movie theaters to ordering in restaurants to playing sports. With everything becoming increasingly connected there arises a problem of data privacy and security. An individual must keep his/her sensitive data safe and private in order to not have it leaked on the internet, social media etc. where […]