Volunteering for Farewell decoration

Farewell for the class of 2022 was an event that was in the works since December 2021 and one of the highly anticipated events of the year. I volunteered for the decoration team and got selected for the same. Our goal was to help the decor team execute their ideas.

LO 1 Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

I always had a knack for decor and styling, and because of that, I’d like to believe that I helped the decor team achieve their desired outcomes (LO1).

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Everyone on the team was highly talented which helped us collaborate as well as pitch new ideas which we could use for the event we were successful in that regard because our seniors loved the decor.

LO 4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences: One drawback that I experienced was that I had to miss a few classes in my school to contribute my time for the decorations and I also had to do early-ins which was the most difficult part for me, but because I had enrolled for this, I had to show commitment towards it. Also, because there were 5-10 volunteers for decorations, we were able to get the job done comparatively quickly, and because I am usually comfortable with working in groups, I was able to adjust well to it.

Overall, volunteering for the decoration team was a memorable experience as I made many new friends in the process and got to know new and different techniques which I could implement in the future.


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