Beach Cleaning (CAS experience 7-Riya Bajaj )

Our Prime minister reinforces the idea of Swaccha Bharat, living in Surat which is considered a smart city. It faces issues regarding cleanliness in public places. Dumas beach is one of the tourist attractions in Surat but nowadays it’s seen waste, and garbage is littered all around Dumas. To make Surat a more sustainable and […]

108 rounds of Surya-namaskar (CAS experience 1)-Riya Bajaj

Suryanamaskar is also known as the sun salutation. It’s a sequence of 12 yoga asana and that is considered as 1 round of the Suryanamaskar. It involves all the body part’s movement and coordination. It helps improve blood circulation, the flexibility of the spine, cardiorespiratory functions are improved, etc. With playing basketball I had a […]

Farewell Dance(CAS experience 3-Riya Bajaj)

Fountainhead has this ritual of the 11th graders planning a farewell for the 12 graders. Similarly, as a volunteer, I am participating in the dance performance where I am also helping in the choreography of the dances and positioning. The volunteering includes helping them decide activities, helping the coordinators on days if required. Basically, help make […]