Convocation: (CAS experience 8-Riya Bajaj)

A grade senior to us passed out from school and a part of a ritual convocation ceremony was arranged for them where the journey of their school life is formally celebrated. The success of their outstanding result is also celebrated. For this event, we organized and managed the event and helped the teachers make a successful one. I was a part of Organizing committee.

Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Organizing events and managing events is something I personally enjoy which becomes easier for me. Different over here was the event was a formal event. So I have stage fear, and standing on stage is also a task for me. During this event, I was supposed to stand on stage so I type of got over this fear for a while. The strength of working together was helpful since the work got divided and personally, I find it easier to work in a group. But on the other hand, developing time management still needs to be done since at the venue I reached late which could be an area of growth since I should be reaching the at the earliest.

Initiate and plan a CAS experience
Volunteering for this event was by choice therefore initiating this was easy also the planning part was easy wherein we were asked to assign volunteers their tasks according to their personal traits. I had to organize the event from welcoming the seniors and their parents to ending the event. I believe initiating and planning out experiences is a skill that all of us should have and this helps in the future to manage out other events in our life ahead. Planning this included meeting teachers to ensure all arrangements are made as per the requirement. It also helps develop the skill of being Responsible, here I was in charge of the event so if it was a flop event would be my responsibility, an event not having the resources required will be my responsibility hence all of this has helped me be a responsible person

Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively
While working in a group communication skills were developed, such as brainstorming new ideas and learning new ways of thinking and innovative ideas. Working together is making work easy since work gets divided and this helps develop the skill of working together yet efficently since not doing more work individually but instead working in groups with the division of work efficently is more helpful.

Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Since this was formal event ethics are a point of consideration for this event. Abiding by the rules, and following the rules, the flow of the event shall not be disturbed by the volunteer or core committee. So being a formal event it is recognizing my ethics and adding ethics to the list. On the day the choice of action for the event ensures that the flow of the event is not disturbed and the event is not disturbed and impacted by any of my personal actions. Therefore this event taught me how the personal choice of action that is chosen by me will be impacting events hence being considerate of all of that.

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