Beach Cleaning (CAS experience 7-Riya Bajaj )

Our Prime minister reinforces the idea of Swaccha Bharat, living in Surat which is considered a smart city. It faces issues regarding cleanliness in public places. Dumas beach is one of the tourist attractions in Surat but nowadays it’s seen waste, and garbage is littered all around Dumas. To make Surat a more sustainable and clean place for the residents to live and tourists to enjoy safely. A small initiative taken was going to Dumas beach and disposing of the waste in garbage bags and that garbage was handed over to SMC trucks for proper waste management process.

  1. initiate and plan a CAS experience
    Initiating this experience was done by choice in order to give back to society. With my studies, I managed my co-curricular activity as well. I usually can’t keep up with all my assignments but doing it as an experience makes me prioritize this. I am passionate about the environment, so initiating this plan was comparatively easy. Additionally this helps to give back to the society which I believe should be done by all of us. However, planning took some time since I wasn’t able to manage to go to the location so it got me procrastinated but I learned how to independently initiate experiences which will help me in the future to do projects and further in life.

2. Engagement with issues of global significance
The diseases that are spread are caused by the unclean environment around us, which is contributing to the mortality rate. The polluted city is an issue faced all around the world and needs to be solved as soon as possible in order for a sustainable and high quality of life. This experience of cleaning the beach is a small step toward sustainable cities and communities which is a Sustainable development goal declared by the United Nations to be achieved by 2030. With all of this, it impacts life on the land which is also one of the declared Sustainable development goals where the life of animals has impacted the consumption of waste by animals is threatening where it can lead to the death of animals and the spread of disease.

3. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
Admitting, I was also one of those people throwing litter anywhere regardless of whether a dustbin was available or not. After doing this experience of giving back to society, knowing about all of the impacts that are created because of littering. I reconsidered my choice and ethics. This action impacts me indirectly cause it is impacting the environment directly and degrading and that somehow is affecting me in terms of health, availability of resources, or my close ones. After this ethics, an add-on to my ethics is to throw litter in the dustbin or garbage bags only. The experience brought a change in me and impacted my actions. After all of that reconsideration, I am now conscious of littering-I look for a garbage bin or till then hold the waste.

Concluding, Initiating such experiences has risks attached to it while collecting waste and getting in contact with waste may lead to impact my physical health. But on the other hand, the positive side of small change leads to big change which is advantageous. This experience helps to address globally the issue of cleanliness and also cater to the Sustainable development goals declared by United Nations. This also shows my caring nature for the environment by choice.


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