Gyming -(CAS experience 4-Riya Bajaj)

I have experienced Yoga and having played Basketball for a while, I decided to start doing regular gyming to improve my physical fitness, five components of fitness-, and help me in playing Basketball. I started with doing gyming regularly 6 times a week where we did workouts focusing on Cardio, Weight Training, Abs, HIIT workout, Legs, Arm workouts.

Learning outcome 1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth
I have started this end of January 2022 and would be continuing to do so. In this one month, I have seen improvement in my body in areas of endurance, flexibility-, and loss of weight. An Increase in my endurance was a significant change that was seen in basketball practice classes. Since only one month of gyming is done slight improvement in strength and body physique is seen. But on the contrary, some weakness such as weak core, leg strength are the areas of focus that still needs to be improved.

Learning outcome 2 :Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills
One of the main challenges faced was figuring out a time to work out. We are four people doing workouts so clashes of timing because of each individual class and figuring out time that works for all of us including the trainer this was seemed difficult initially but I developed. This also helped me develop the learner profile Balanced while doing workout was the time I was not thinking about studies and doing something apart from studies. Second challenge was to do workouts having weaknesses making it difficult to do the number of counts but somehow I managed to do so by developing the skill of thinking positively while doing workout.

Learning outcome 3: Initiate and plan a CAS experience

I made a timetable wherein after 4 returning from school my routine and 5 to 6 was dedicated to Gyming and similarly arranged and shifted othere classes after 6 pm.I usually plan out things but mostly the planning does not work since while implementing it becomes diffcult for me.I realized that while initating activity that “if you think of doing it tomorrow,do it today.” this ussually makes things happen .Planning out things helps to direct me for what to do.

Learning outcome 4: Commitment and preservence

I always thought of going to the gym but never had the motivation to do so and never did it before. The introduction to CAS was an opportunity for me to successfully do gym. I had gym 6 days a week.5 days of the week I had school so after returning from school tired and still doing gym was evidence of showing commitment. It was easier to commit to things but due to a load of studies and all it’s now difficult for me to commit to things. Yet, I still manage to commit to things in order to do it by commiting I have no option of not doing it. By committing and preservence improves the quality and the quantity you do since the commitment and preservence keep you motivated.

Concluding, this experience of gyming was very effective and time-consuming but the time was worth the successful experience. Although the goal is not completely full-filled small steps toward goal are achieved. This activity forced me to improve my physical well-being keeping my studies balanced.

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