CAS Experience – Power Yoga

Fitness is extremely important to maintain good health. Due to the pandemic and school submissions, my fitness had deteriorated significantly. Hence, I started doing power yoga which is beneficial for cardiovascular health, strength, stress reduction, and many other things. Every workout focused on a different part of the body which helped maintain my overall fitness. […]

CAS Project – The Sustainability Drive

“The Sustainability Drive” was an initiative that had 5 members (including me). It was a project to spread awareness regarding incorporating sustainability into our daily life to make the Earth a better place to live. In this project, sustainability was explored in two ways. First, giving tips on sustainability in day-to-day life using social media, […]

CAS Experience- Farewell 2022

To make this farewell memorable, it was important to keep in mind that the decorations are eye catching and beautiful. I was a volunteer in the decor team of farewell batch of 2022. While volunteering I learned many new skills. LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process While […]

CAS Experience – Paper Crumple

Crumple, an initiative to recycle the waste paper to make new papers. Reusing and recycling paper helps reduce pollution and through this paper waste would be reduces. From the crumple paper books would be made which would be then donated to NGOs and also would be distributed in our School. By volunteering at Crumple I […]

CAS Experience – Beach Cleanup

Surat is considered to be one of the cleanest cities in India, however when we visit public places like beaches we see the actual reality. It loaded with dumped trash like plastics, polystyrene, glass bottles, etc. which is very harmful to the environment. Living in such a place would not only harm the environment but […]