CAS Experience – Teachers Day

Video Reflection Activity – Dance

For teacher’s day celebration in 2022, I participated in a stage performance, with a group of students from 11th and 12th. I always have been excited about dancing and this opportunity helped me present my skills in front of the teachers, I performed on 2 songs.

LO1: Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth

My strength was that I could learn the choreography quickly, however, I lacked stamina and energy in my dance. This was an area of growth for me, and in order to improve it, I practised the steps several times and asked my peers for their opinion, which in the end helped my performance.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The most challenging part of this process was learning the dance in the amount of time provided. I had to learn 2 dances in only 3 hours which were provided in school. However, through this, I developed my self-management skills as I tried to manage my studies along with learning the dance by practising it during the session provided and at home.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

We could not miss our subject slots to practice the dance, hence had to come early-in to learn the dance, this was a difficulty that required my commitment. I ensured that I did not miss the early-in sessions so that I learned the dance properly and stayed committed to learning.

LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

The performance was a group dance, which required collaboration, as everyone has to perform the steps at the same time so that the dance looks synchronized. In this process, I developed my collaboration skills, by giving inputs on the song preference, and the dance steps choreography and accepting feedback from my peers that helped me improve my dance. Here collaboration was required in order to give the teachers a good performance.

Final Takeaway:

The experience bought a sense of accomplishment for me as I enjoyed the process as well as the performance that I gave. Also, I was very happy with the reaction from the teachers as they appreciated the dance performance.

Learner Profile developed: Reflective

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