CAS Experience – Power Yoga

Fitness is extremely important to maintain good health. Due to the pandemic and school submissions, my fitness had deteriorated significantly. Hence, I started doing power yoga which is beneficial for cardiovascular health, strength, stress reduction, and many other things. Every workout focused on a different part of the body which helped maintain my overall fitness. Through this experience, I improved my physical and mental health.

LO 1:  Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

My strength in this experience is my ability to continue the sessions without giving up, while also balancing my studies. An area of growth for me is to loosen up my body so that the exercises can be carried out more effectively.

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Initially going for the session was difficult for me because I was never interested in yoga. However, after a few sessions, I developed the interest and ability to perform. The process was challenging because my body wasn’t flexible enough to perform the asanas, but after practice, I understood how to perform them and was able to carry them out properly.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I showed commitment to this experience. Each day after coming from school I went for yoga and relaxed my body. Also, I continued this for 2 weeks to see the progress I have made. I showed perseverance by maintaining the balance between studies and yoga, and by making sure that my studies aren’t impacted.

Final Takeaway:

This experience helped me develop my physical health by improving my strength and flexibility and my mental health by making my body and mind relaxed.

Learner Profiles Developed: Reflective and Balanced


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