CAS Reflection _ Bird Feeder (Activity and Service)

I have found that building a bird feeder is a good use of my skills in building objects with a defined purpose while simultaneously showcasing my affection towards nature by helping out the birds.

I catered to learning outcome 3 by initiating and planning my CAS experience so that it fits in the timespan of my cousin sister’s visiting time period while simultaneously not hampering my university applications. I had to plan the process and ensure that each component of the process needed to be completed to ensure that the final product is ready before and/or during the kite festival.

I catered to Learning outcome 5 in my undertaking by identifying that my strength is in the designing aspect of the bird feeder. I used my knowledge in the field of design to create and build the bird feeder while simultaneously collaborating with my cousin sister to determine the best color scheme for the design which is aesthetically appealing. 

I catered to Learning outcome 6 and learning outcome 7 by identifying that safe spaces for birds is scarce on a daily basis and especially scarce during the kite flying festival. During the kite flying festival, the birds are at a risk of being injured due to coating of the ropes used for flying the kites. After reading the news of approximately 2000 birds being injured in my city, I decided to take action by providing a safe haven for birds to rest.  

The whole experience of origami allowed me to build the learner profile caring since building a bird feeder has widened the aperture for my affection towards nature. I have maintained the bird feeder regularly by replenishing the water and food supplies and watched the birdfeeder grow into a local restaurant for birds.

Overall, I would conclude that the activity was a success since I was able to skillfully execute my collaborative skills and designing skills in order to create a proper birdfeeder thus. The process of building the birdfeeder helped increase my affection towards nature and the environment around us. 

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