CAS Reflection _ Car Servicing (Activity and Service)

Since my childhood, I have had an inherent interest in different components of cars and their functions. To further my interest in the field of automobile engineering, I decided to pursue being a car mechanic for 2 weeks. In the aid of a garage owner, I was able to learn a plethora of skills and tricks that may benefit me in real life.

I catered to learning outcome 3 since I had to plan and initiate my CAS experience. I had to ensure that I am able to cater to all the important components of the car within a time span of 2 weeks while simultaneously ensuring to provide enough time for my studies and not collide with the schedule of the garage owner.

I catered to learning outcome 5 by working with the garage owner, being a mindful listener of his instructions and collaborating on routine maintenance tasks voluntarily to increase my work experience. In the end, when I asked him informally about my performance, he said that he was very pleased with my collaboration and communication skills.

I catered to learning outcome 6 by gaining knowledge on the rules and regulations of an auto repair shop to help them go green and the evolution of cars in order to make them more sustainable. I had fruitful discussions on the use of catalytic converters, use of LED headlights rather xenon headlights, electric cars and to what extend are they better for the environment etc.

I catered to learning outcome 7 since I had to ensure while getting hands on training, I do not cause irreplaceable damage to the car itself which may have a negative impact on the reputation of the garage owner since he is extending his help under the pretense that I mitigate the damage caused to the car during my learning. Therefore, while performing tasks such as oil changes, fender removal, wheel fitment etc. I had to consider the areas of the car which could potentially be damaged while performing the maintenance.

In the end, I would call this endeavor of mine a success since I was successfully able to learn the intricacies of a car, functions of different components in the car and how to maintain those components without causing much damage to the car. This activity helped me build the learner profile knowledgeable since I gained valuable knowledge about the inner workings of a car which may be helpful to me in real life.

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