Garba Fest 2022 (CAS project)

Students and instructors gathered for a single day at Garba Fest to celebrate the festival of Navratri. I participated in the planning and execution of the event as a member of the organising committee.

LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
Planning is one of the most crucial components of a successful event. All the changes were available on a spreadsheet that the OC members produced. Hangout groups built specifically for the event aided in communication amongst team members and with our event managers. We initially had trouble arranging the event, but after we had a strategy in place, starting the plan was a breeze. There were moments when our planning fell short, such as when we neglected to carefully organise the event’s décor and it proved challenging to start the décor even with a large number of volunteers on site.While organising this event, I was able to develop my leadership abilities by taking on significant event tasks. I think that being able to organise events is a crucial skill because it will be useful to me in the future when I need to organise another event. I can say with certainty that organising this event has made it easier for me to organise other events because I am now more aware of my strengths and weaknesses.

Screenshot of the planning sheet for Garba Fest

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
The organisation of the event was done in between many other crucial duties, including IB submissions, summative assessments, and college applications. It became difficult to remain dedicated to the event because there was so much effort involved. However, I was able to do this via perseverance. Members of the OC skipped lunch breaks and arrived early to arrange the event in order to maintain productivity, demonstrating their dedication to and tenacity with the undertaking.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
The success of this event was greatly dependent on the OC members’ cooperation. This event would not have been feasible without this team. We had to operate as a team because there were numerous tasks that needed to be completed and could not have been completed by one person alone. The jobs were divided up among the team members for increased productivity, and I was in charge of overseeing the food stands and transportation lines. In a similar manner, other members were given decor, venue management, and other jobs. We assisted each other in our tasks by working as a team. Everyone contributed their thoughts and ideas, which helped to make this event successful.

The success of this event was greatly dependent on the OC members’ cooperation. This event would not have been feasible without this team. We had to operate as a team because there were numerous tasks that needed to be completed and could not have been completed by one person alone. The jobs were divided up among the team members for increased productivity, and I was in charge of overseeing the food stands and transportation lines. In a similar manner, other members were given decor, venue management, and other jobs. We assisted each other in our tasks by working as a team. Everyone contributed their thoughts and ideas, which helped to make this event successful.

All in all, this CAS project helped me cultivate a lot of abilities and qualities that will undoubtedly be useful to me in the future. This event was a success, and I’ll always remember it fondly. I wish the other attendees had as much fun at the garba fest as I did.

Evidences :

Invite for the event

Purple Modern Dandiya Night Instagram Post (1).png

On day preparation of the event:

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