Basketball (Activity)

Basketball is a sport which I have been playing since my childhood which I have enjoyed each and every time I have played, but taking this up as a CAS experience has intrigued me to explore it professionally as a sport and learn it from the basics. I have played inter-house school events as a competition before, but this time learning it professionally has helped me take this sport to another level. Hence, I was eagerly anticipating a tournament and decided to take it up as a CAS experience.

LO – 1

I have been playing for a long time, and I was also watching other people play and that made me realise that what I was doing was just fun and not playing proper basketball after attending sessions I realised my strength that I have good height and good grip on the ball, and now then I felt that I needed help and can do better, and knowing your strengths and weakness is important so that you know what you are good at and what is more to learn. I have worked on my weaknesses and it has helped me get selected for my team.

LO – 2

Maintaining my fitness and not making fouls was the most challenging, those were the challenges because I did not intend to do that, but it just used to happen and making sure not to make mistakes is hard. I played frisbee for many years besides basketball and I went through a similar process in the game. I overcame that challenge by not making mistakes and also improving my fitness with the same.

LO – 3

I organised myself with time management and being punctual with the class timings, and I am an organised person who would give his 100% to make sure he is doing what is best as per his needs and doing it in the best way possible. Planning was a bit easier than initiating as in the first week, I was so lazy I didn’t even go to the classes. In the future, organising and initiating would be easy as now I know what to manage and how to manage in the best possible way.

LO – 4

In the class commitment was necessary as there were a lot of things, I had to manage and the dedication had to be 100% in mastering the skills required to play this game in a professional way. For me, commitment was never an issue, as per me I give my best when there is a need and I do not waste my energy on extra things.



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