Body Transformation

A body transformation can either be losing weight or gaining muscle, doing workouts, and doing exercise every day is very healthy for our body if we look at it long term. the LO’s I’ll be using for this experience are LO1, LO2, LO3, and LO4.

LO1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth)

I used to go to the gym so I knew the warmups and exercises but going to the gym was very tough so I started with a home workout and it went pretty well, I came back in the shape I wanted.

LO2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process)

motivation, although doing a workout sounds easy and it is but doing it every day and making time for it was very hard and it got me really demotivated sometimes. being all on my own, pushing my limits got very tough because there was no one to support me

LO3 (Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience)

I always wanted to transform my body and was looking for an opportunity because i had to do this experience i thought it was the perfect time to make my body more healthy and active

LO4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)

doing a home workout was a regular involvement and I had to be committed to making a change in my body.

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