Econova tree plantation

There was a event organised in surat where there was a open farm and we had to plant tress there.There were many people and around 150 to 200 trees were planted arround 5 to 6 trees were planted by each.As trees are very important aspect of our lives it helps us breathe,it also helps imporving the quality of soil,tress decreases the amount of harmful gases in the environment which decreases pollution and many advantages are there to plant more trees.The strand in focus is

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The global issue was the deforestation and less number of trees present,By knowing the issues i was able to contibute to the environment by helping in plantation of tress.By knowing more about it because of the cas activity it makes me wonder why people are not planting more tress as it has a negative impact on ourselves.I feel there should be more events to help in plantation of tress for our betterment so that we could live a more healthy lifestyle.

The learner profile i developed in this was knowledgeable as because of the service i made to the community it helped me get to know more about the global issue faced by us also it helped me contribute to the community.By the service i made many lives better as i planted more tress which will decrease amount of pollution in the air.I learned that small steps matter,even small steps by each and everyone in the world can contriute a lot.

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