Cycling club

There was cycling club organized by a few students of grade 11.We all used to meet at one place and then used to go to dumas by cycling.It was a little tough for me as we had to wake up very early on weekends and then go for around 30 km of cycling which took a lot of stamina and stregnth.But in the start as it was new for me it took me 1 to 2 days to recover but as the weeks went by i got a litle used to it and also there was a gain in strength and it took me less time to recover than it took in the start.Strands in focus were

LO 2 and LO 4

As i was not used to wake up early on weekends it was a little tough for me in the start plus i was not used to cycling around 30kms it took me time but after a few weeks and a little practice i was able to overcome it.As cycling takes a lot of leg strength which i had because i am a football player which helped me a lot. I felt proud taking the challenge as it helped me build more strength and stamina.This new skill helped me develop more leg strength which would help me in football in future.Commitment was necessary as it was difficult in the start but if i would have quit i would not have gained anything from it.

The learner profile i developed was balanced as i was able to work on my body as well as balance my studies which helped me in my daily routine.In the begining i did not know that it will be tough but as it started it took me days tp recover.The learning is that commitment and consistency matters a lot.


As I am a football player working in groups is generally easy for me which is why this activity which we all did together was easy as all were collaborating with each other for scheduling as many people wanted a change is time. It was not difficult for me to work with anyone as all we had panned went successfully without any conflicts. Its important to work together as it helps you grow as a person. Teamwork was very important as we had to select routes, time and if it had led to any conflicts then it may have created a issue within the group.

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