Running- activity

During covid I couldn’t exercise and go for running and after taking a long break I wanted to get back to my schedule. I used to go for runs everyday but I didn’t know if I still had the stamina and strength to maintain the performance. Running/an activity is really important to keep our body fit and that is one of the reasons I started running everyday, It also increases our stamina and also increase our water intake.

Learning outcome 1:

I was able to assess my strengths and weaknesses: I discovered that I have a lot of stamina and that I can run 6 kilometers in 30 minutes. I also discovered that I am a highly committed person when it comes to working out; it was very easy for me to stay constant throughout due to the unique ideas I came up with every day.

I also discovered that my core strength is severely lacking, which is something I should definitely look into and consider. I realized that if I skip a workout one day, it becomes really tough for me to start it with determination the next day since I feel extremely sluggish and tired even before starting the exercise.

Now that I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses, I feel much more informed about myself since I can work on what needs more monitoring and flourish in my strengths. It will help me deal with myself better. Knowing our talents and weaknesses is critical because it allows us to better understand ourselves and grow into a better version of ourselves.

Learning outcome 2 :

I am not a physically fit person, and any physical exercise quickly bores me. It is quite difficult for me to maintain consistency. I conquered this difficulty by coming up with new ideas while working out to make it more entertaining while focusing on my weakness. I’m quite pleased of myself for completing this challenge; it’s given me a boost of confidence. It is critical to take on new challenges since it keeps me engaged and makes me better than I was yesterday. I learned a new skill: I can be really hard on myself if I have set a goal. There were many days when I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I was strong enough to drag myself out of that lazy mentality and get myself ready to run. It is  important element to learn new skills for personal development; if you don’t learn anything, you’ll be stuck in life, it is essential to set goals and accomplish them.

learning outcome 3:

Running for fitness requires a positive and disciplined approach. I learned to plan my workouts in advance and stick to my workout schedule consistently. They also took the initiative to seek advice and resources on proper training techniques and nutrition like a I had a diet plan with more proteins which gave my body the proper nutrients which helped me increase my distance and speed, I also worked on my timings so that I could run more in shorter durations.

learning outcome 5:

Running is often seen as a solo activity, but I’ve learned to work collaboratively with others in the running community. Joining a running club or attending a group workout helped me stay motivated and inspired. I also learned from other runners and shared my own experiences and tips like I learned that having a spoon of honey before going for a run helps with endurance and training.

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