Gym workout

For this experience, I did 1-1.5 hours of gym everyday to gain strength, fitness and physical tolerance. I explored different exercises through research to know what suits me best and can help me develop personally, exercising related to core, calves, biceps, shoulders, cardio and stamina. For this development I used the treadmill for cardio and, developing thigh and calf muscles. Different exercises for core development, etc.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

This experience helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses in regards to the areas that require more strength and tolerance in order to become stronger and fitter. The strengths helped me know what I’m good at and acted as a motivation to work harder and make it even better or to be able to maintain that strength, whereas, my weakness helped me know where i need to work better in order to balance my fitness and make it a strength too.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

It was difficult to commit to this activity as maintaining consistency for physical activity 1-1.5 hours can be very tiring and draining which can also last until the next day, as this activity was done without breaks between days, it require more will power to not skip workouts and maintain the physical activity. Commitment is important in order to push yourself to get better at something and enhance personally.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This activity engages with the 3rd SDG, good health and well being, as working out can help maintain physical, mental and spiritual health in many ways depending from person to person. It helped maintain continuity in physical activity and, can lead to better health and fitness.

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