COOKING (creativity)

Cooking is a skill everyone should learn and develop. Cooking is a Survival skill which is very important to learn. I want to go abroad for further studies and living alone in a different country is very difficult. I will have to make my own food for my survival. CAS gave me the opportunity to learn cooking from my mom who’s been cooking for more than 30 years. She will help me with learning different food cruises. 

LO 1- Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth.

I had opted for cooking in AS in grade 9. I got to know that I have good cooking skills and my strength is making Indian foods. I will use my strength in the cas experience to develop my cooking skills and learn different food cruises like Mexican, Italian. I will work upon my weakness throughout my cas experience. I needed work upon cooking food in the time given. Firstly, I was taking a lot of time in cooking and then I improved upon my weakness. 

LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills.

Taking out time was very difficult for me. I was having school and I only had the option to learn at night. I had my tuition from 6-8PM. It was very difficult to take out time from my hectic schedule and this was the biggest challenge. My mom was my supervisor and told me to get all the ingredients and other things ready. She won’t do anything for me. I had to prepare everything before cooking. The utensils, ingredients, etc. 

LO 3- initiate and plan a CAS experience. 

As mentioned above, taking out time from my schedule was very difficult. I had to be organized and plan everything before the cas experience. I made a time table which helped me to get myself organized. Time management is very important and time table helps you very much as you have a clear understanding of what you have to do in a day. 

LO 4- commitment to and perseverance.

Even though it was difficult and tough. I completed my cas experience. I showed commitment toward my work and didn’t cheat. My supervisor gave me motivation and I completed my cas experience. There were 2-3 times, my hand burned/ catch fire. It was painful. I wanted to quit because of the pain and due to CAS my schedule was very hectic. I didn’t give up and worked upon my cooking skills.

LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

I had to cook at home. No one was there to monitor me. I could have cheated easily but I didn’t. I worked and learned cooking. I understand that ethics are very much important and we should always do the right thing. I feel I have considered it while doing the cas experience. 

To sum up, I am very much happy with myself. I have learned cooking. I have learned to cook Indian food as it will help me in the future when I will go abroad to study. 

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