Cooking ( Creativity )

Cooking, often known as food preparation, is the most approachable, engaging, and understandable kind of creativity. It is a universal practise, but it is infinitely diverse, significant, and personal in nature. Cooking is a means to bring joy to both the maker and those who consume the food. Cooking is a creative endeavour. “I enjoy cooking because it allows me to be creative and original while also providing assistance to others.” Cooking is not only artistic, but also a hobby and a community. “Good cuisine makes others happy, and that makes me happy.” Cooking allows me to acquire new skills, try new things, and spend quality time with people I care about.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The more opportunities children have to learn via doing, the better their learning outcomes. Cooking provides several chances for learning in all areas of development. Cooking can serve to teach a variety of abilities, including life skills, and can promote a positive attitude toward food.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Cooking can be frightening. Especially when there are hazards such as fires, sharp blades, and the inevitable clean up. I struggled to commit to cooking and break my long period of inactivity. But I made a decision and felt satisfied as a result. I learned the following skills:

It was beneficial to me. Encourage inventiveness.
Food preparation improves organisation and cleanliness.
It’s a fun way to spend time together and promotes connection among siblings, friends, and others.
It contributes to the development of lifelong healthy behaviours and food and nutrition abilities.

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