Tree Plantation – Service

I participated in a one-day tree plantation event at Econova. This experience allowed me to cover several learning outcomes including:

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth:

I was able to identify my skills and potential for improvement because of my participation in Econova’s tree planting event. The physical demands of planting trees pushed me out of my comfort zone and motivated me to work hard for a shared goal. I learned that I am physically capable of performing such a task and that I appreciate participating in a team that is working towards a shared goal.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills:

The opportunity to plant trees gave me the chance to show that I had taken on a challenge and learned new abilities. The act of planting trees is physically demanding and takes patience to finish. By taking part in the activity, I proved to myself that I was up for the challenge and could learn new things like how to plant trees correctly and recognize various tree species.

LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance:

I was able to interact with global issues as a result of my tree plantation experience. I was able to support this significant cause by planting trees, which are essential in lowering carbon emissions and battling climate change. I was able to learn from the event the significance of environmental concerns and the impact that individual actions may have on the entire world.

LO7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions:

I considered the ethical implications of my actions while I planted trees. I understood the value of thinking about how my activities would affect other stakeholders, such as nearby communities, wildlife, and future generations, and I planted trees as a way to help the environment and the community. I was able to use the experience to reflect on the ethical implications of my choices and how I may influence others for the better.

In conclusion, taking part in Econova’s tree planting campaign gave me the chance to not only help the environment but also learn more about myself, gain new skills, and consider the ethical implications of my choices. The physical demands of the assignment forced me to go beyond my comfort zone and push myself in order to work hard towards a common aim, which in and of itself was fulfilling. I was able to understand the significance of accepting responsibility for my decisions and their effects on others through interacting with environmental issues and learning how individual acts have an impact. Overall, I found this experience to be both rewarding and insightful, and I think it has helped me become a more mature, responsible person who cares about the environment.

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