Community Service – Service

I volunteered to teach frisbee to underprivileged children at Fountainhead School for three weeks. Through this experience, I was able to cover several learning outcomes including:

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment to CAS experiences:

Teaching frisbee to underprivileged children is a difficult task that calls for patience, resilience, and commitment. Keeping the kids interested and motivated can be challenging. However I was able to overcome these difficulties and give the kids a fruitful learning experience by working and being committed. I gained a sense of resilience from this experience that I can apply to other aspects of my life, as well as a dedication to changing the world for the better.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

Every Meaningful experience requires teamwork, and teaching frisbee to underprivileged kids was no exception. I planned and carried out the frisbee sessions in collaboration with a group of volunteers. We worked together to develop lesson plans, set up the necessary tools, and make sure the kids had a comfortable and enjoyable learning environment. I gained knowledge about effective communication, teamwork, and the advantages of shared responsibility through this experience.

LO6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance:

I was able to participate with global concerns like promoting physical activity and education for all through my experience teaching frisbee to underprivileged kids. In addition, education is essential for escaping the cycle of poverty, and by giving underprivileged kids the chance to pursue their education, I also made a contribution to solving this problem. I was able to learn more about these global problems and how I may help to solve them.

In conclusion, teaching frisbee to underprivileged kids was a meaningful and satisfying CAS experience for me. With this experience, I have shown determination and dedication, understood the capabilities and advantages of working cooperatively, and engaged with topics of significant global importance. I was able to gain useful knowledge and skills from this experience that I may use in other aspects of my life and in my future adventures. I am thankful of the chance to improve the community and help resolve world issues.

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