Home workout: Activity

The physical well-being of an individual depends on exercise. Although it was something I did frequently in school, it stopped when the pandemic struck, and aside from a few instances here and there, it was practically nonexistent for me. I made the decision to regularly workout at home in order to maintain my health and fitness. I accomplished this with the use of an app (Nike Training Club) and at-home tools like dumbbells and barbells.

Learning outcomes:

LO 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

By using reps as a measure of my initial abilities, using internal reflection to discover my physical strengths and deficiencies was made simpler. I was able to determine which muscle groups needed more training by counting how many reps I could complete during a certain physical activity, such as pushups, planks and comparing it to later values and other average rep counts.

LO 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

To assist me arrange my work, I had to create a timetable.  I just assisted me with form during my workout, therefore I had to organise the entire session. I made the decision to organise my entire workout. The schedule was incredibly busy and chaotic. It was quite challenging for me to take 2 hours because I had tuition and school. I needed to organise my time. I had to create and adhere to a solid timetable in order to complete it effectively.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Exercise is quite difficult, and the next day our muscles hurt. It hurts a lot. Beginning exercises can be very challenging for the first 2 weeks while our bodies heal the torn muscles. It hurts a lot. albeit it was difficult. In the CAS experience, I demonstrated dedication and endurance. I finished my fitness regime.


Aside from the obvious physical advantages, exercise encouraged me to take greater risks in my physical pursuits, helped me manage my time better, and served as a stress reliever because it is known to raise dopamine levels. Additionally, this inspired me to keep working out outside of CAS, which helped me become a more well-rounded person and learner.


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