FS Cup Football Tournament

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

The team that had registered for the tournament was among the best in the school. We practiced during our free slots and PS classes and felt quite confident in the team we had. We wanted to bring the trophy back to our school and prevent any other school from claiming the FS Cup victory as their own in the future.

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Because football is a team sport, we had to be prepared to play as a team at all times. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to fully utilize our team members. But as we moved along, our football coach gave us advice on how to remain calm and play with touches. We were able to accomplish the goal much more quickly as a result, and we experienced significantly higher conversion rates than we had at first.

LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Football was the sport being played, so it was expected that all teams would give it their all and use body contact at the highest level. We made sure that we were all prepared for it and that we could maintain our composure if another player ran into us. Teams had been playing a little rougher than usual during the tournament, but we didn’t give up and made sure to remain confident. While we did become enraged when teams played against us and committed numerous fouls, we maintained our sportsmanship and let it go so that we could win without committing any. This allowed us to stay composed, score as many goals as we could, and avoid losing any games throughout the competition.


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