Word Wise by Monsoon Musings (Volunteering)(Service)

L2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken in developing new skills, L3 – Initiate and plan a CAS experience, L5 – Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively, L7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.
The annual literary event of Word Wise by Monsoon Musings, organized by Fountainhead School, presents an unparalleled opportunity for attendees to showcase their written works to a vast audience, and provides a platform for young authors and teachers to exhibit their creative works. As an individual who is deeply passionate about literature, I was eager to volunteer and assist with the logistical aspects of the event. The primary objective of this event is to inspire and showcase new and innovative pieces of literature, as well as to provide an avenue for individuals to express their artistic inclinations.

However, my involvement in the organization of the event presented several difficulties. Despite my efforts, I found it challenging to effectively collaborate with my team members, and my lack of expertise in decoration planning and execution presented further obstacles. One of the most significant challenges that we faced was the constrained time frame available to complete the decorations. Furthermore, my lack of experience in event management resulted in difficulties in effectively managing my time, executing responsibilities such as procuring approvals from higher authorities and adapting to changes during the event.

Despite these challenges, I was resolved to make the most of the opportunity and used it as a means to improve my skills. I made use of my spare time to enhance my time management, communication, and creative abilities. I applied myself diligently and maintained equanimity in the face of adversity. I also adopted a proactive approach to problem-solving, which helped me to overcome the obstacles that I faced. Although the process was rigorous and consumed a significant amount of time, it provided me with invaluable experiences and helped me to develop
The main goal of the event was to encourage sustainable practices by using existing resources at the school and by recycling and repurposing any new materials needed for the event, including items like banners, which were chosen and produced with environmental considerations. Sustainability was not only an ethical decision but also aligned with my personal interests in literature and writing.

As a Creativity, Activity, and Service experience, this event provided me with the opportunity to delve into different facets of literature, as well as to inspire others to share their written works, and to express my own creativity, developing vital skills such as communication, open-mindedness, and balance as a student.
Working together with a team to organize a successful event necessitated me to be open to others’ suggestions, express my own ideas effectively, and strike a balance between studies and events, thus developing a sense of balance in my academic and personal life. This experience as a CAS was a valuable learning opportunity, not only did I participate in an eco-friendly event, but I also acquired essential skills and enhanced my understanding of literature and writing.


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