
Staying fit is an important part of life for an individual of any age. However, IBDP is an incredibly rigorous program, which takes up most of a student’s time. Thus, finding the right balance between work and health is an important but difficult task. To add ever since the pandemic started, I did not have a chance to keep my physical health in check. Hence, it became more important than ever to take action. (LO1 and LO3). To address this issue, I decided to start daily workout’s in the gym. I decided to commit 1 hour, 6 days a week for 3 months for a total of over 70 hours (LO4). Initially, the process proved to be difficult, having to deal with the fatigue hindered my ability to accomplish other goals I set for myself during the day.

However steadily I implemented time management skills to figure out a schedule that let me cover everything I wanted while still leaving time to recover. (LO2). It did not end there, it helped me socialise more and taught me how much a good support structure can beefit one in achieving the hardest of goals. Eventually I was able to adapt myself with others who had similar goals in thier minds. It helped me evolve as a participative member of a community, we motivated each other when anyone came close to giving up, due to being unable to generate any significant results.

Overall after a few weeks I was able to see the difference it had not only on my physical but my mental health as well. I was eating healthier, the break helped me not get tired of constantly studying, sitting at one place for hours. It helped me be more confident with myself and start everyday with a newfound enthusiasm. Henceforth, I can say this experience was a succeful one, the skills I learnt went beyond what was explicitly being taught, I was able to meet and connect with inspiring people who worked hard everyday to achieve thier goals and by the end I was able to mold my lifestyle into one that kept me healthy while still giving me time to keep up with other areas of producivity and liesure.

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