Gardening and Planting / Service

LOs: (L4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences) (L6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance) (L7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)

(L4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences)

I have always been a nature lover which influenced my growing love for gardening and planting. I love taking care of my plants and that’s why I chose to consider this as my CAS experience. I planned and scheduled everything beforehand and collected more plants from the nursery. I also brought several organic fertilizers. I placed them on my Balcony and set up everything. I scheduled to water them every alternate day. I was consistent in watering the plants without missing a day as it is important to water the plants regularly or else they might die. The results like the growth and blooms of flowers excited me and pushed me to be committed. After a couple of weeks watering them became a habit and a part of my morning routine. I love and care for my plants which is why it was important to show commitment. 

 (L6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance)

Through the means of this experience, I catered to environmental issues such as pollution, climate change, deforestation and many more. Planting and gardening promote greenery though it may be on a smaller scale but it could still contribute to the environment. If every household decided to plant and garden then the impact will be greater. And for that, I asked my friends and neighbours to do the same. Due to overpopulation, the environment has been negatively impacted and for that, even a smaller step might help in the near future. Doing something good for the environment makes me feel proud.  

(L7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions)

It is highly important to consider the ethics of choices and actions in any scenario. However in this case I ethically chose to find the best organic fertilizer and medicines for plants rather than synthetic or chemical fertilizers which may be harmful to the environment. Also, I made sure to buy those particular organic fertilizers that are composed by the farmers so that the profit earned could be given to them.

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