Organizing Cricket tournament (CAS PROJECT)

Cricket is a sport that is very dear to my heart. I have been playing cricket since I was a young boy and it has always been a big part of my life. I am very passionate about the game and I love to watch and play it. I decided to organize a cricket tournament as my CAS project. I wanted to give back to the game that has given me so much. I also wanted to show my peers that cricket is a great sport. I went about organizing the tournament and I am happy to say that it was a great success.

On a turf, the event was organized. There was a lot of work to be done; in order to have as many spectators as possible, we had to reserve the available turf and do so at reasonable pricing. We also had to create an online poster for the event and share it on social media. We kept a very reasonable price of 2000 per team with winning prize being 4500 and runners up getting 2500

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth:

Cricket is a sport that is very dear to my heart. I grew up playing cricket in my home country of India and it was always my dream to one day organize my own cricket tournament. This year, I decided to make that dream a reality and organized a cricket tournament as my CAS project. The tournament was a huge success and I was able to identify my own strengths and areas of growth through the process.
I am extremely passionate about cricket and that was one of the biggest strengths that I brought to the table. I was also very organized and detail-oriented, which helped to make the tournament run smoothly. One area of growth that I identified was my communication skills. I am usually a very shy person but through the tournament, I had to step out of my comfort zone and communicate with a lot of different people. I am happy to say that I overcame that challenge and I am now more confident in my communication skills.

LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process:

One way to complete CAS hours is to organize and run a tournament. This was the challenge my friends and I undertook as our CAS project. Not only did we have to learn how to organize and run a tournament, we also had to do it in a sport that only some of us were particularly familiar with: cricket. It was a lot of work, but in the end, we pulled it off and learned a lot in the process. We not only developed new skills, but we also gained a better understanding of the importance of teamwork and communication. It was a great opportunity for us to work together as a team and to use our individual skills to achieve a common goal. The tournament was a success and we were able to demonstrate our skills and teamwork to the community.

LO3 – Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience:

Organizing a cricket tournament can be a great CAS experience. Here is how we initiated and planned such an experience:

  1. Firstly, consult with your school’s CAS coordinator to ensure that organizing a cricket tournament fits within the CAS framework.
  2. Once you have the go-ahead from your CAS coordinator, start planning the tournament. This will involve deciding on things like the format of the tournament, the number of teams, the venue, and the date.
  3. Next, start recruiting teams to participate in the tournament. This can be done through social media, word of mouth, or by reaching out to local cricket clubs.
  4. Once you have enough teams confirmed, start working on the logistics of the tournament. This includes things like creating a schedule, booking the venue, and arranging for refreshments.
  5. Then, make sure to promote the tournament so that people know when and where it is taking place.
  6. Next, it is necessary to set up a budget and find a venue.
  7. Finally, it is important to promote the event and make sure that everyone is aware of the rules and regulations.

LO4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences:

CAS experiences provide an opportunity for students to show commitment and perseverance. I organized a cricket tournament as a CAS experience and it was a great opportunity to display both of these qualities. The tournament was a success thanks to my commitment to making it happen and my perseverance in the face of adversity. I learned a lot from this experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to have taken part in it.

The first step we did was find a venue that is suitable for the tournament. Once the venue is secured, the next step we did was to start promoting the tournament. This can be done through social media, flyers, and word of mouth. The more people that are aware of the tournament, the more likely it is to be a success. Once the tournament was underway, it is important to maintain a professional attitude and be committed to ensuring that the tournament runs smoothly. This includes ensuring that the matches are played on time, the scoring is accurate, and that the players and spectators are behaving in an appropriate manner. By showing commitment and perseverance , the tournament went on to have a huge success.

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively:

I recently organized a cricket tournament with my friends and it was a great experience. We had to work together in order to get everything done and it was a lot of fun. There are many benefits to working together in order to achieve a common goal. It is a great way to build relationships and skills. Working together can also be a lot of fun. I would encourage everyone to try it at least once.

There are so many benefits to working together like this. For one, it builds teamwork skills. When you have to rely on others and work together towards a common goal, you learn to communicate and cooperate. This is a valuable skill to have in any area of life. Another benefit is that it can be a lot of fun! When you’re working together towards a common goal, you can bond with others and create lasting memories. And of course, it’s always satisfying to see your hard work pay off in the end. The workload also become less because of the work being divided among others.

LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions:

Organizing a cricket tournament can be a complex task, but it’s important to recognize and consider the ethical implications of your choices and actions. There are a number of things to consider, such as the impact of the tournament on the local community, the environment, and the welfare of the players. It’s important to be mindful of the potential risks and rewards of organizing a cricket tournament. With careful planning and consideration of the ethical implications of your choices, you can create a tournament that is beneficial for all involved.

The safety measures we took were not to engage anyone in a fight as it would disrupt the flow of the tournament , so made sure that everyone plays happily and friendly against each other . The presence of a first aid kit on the ground was the other safety measure. so that first aid can be simply administered if any player is hurt or wounded.



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