30-day writing challenge

The 30-day writing challenge is about writing about a different prompt everyday for 30 days to maintain a habit of writing and improving skills for the same. There were a total of 35-40 prompts that I had jotted down and it took about 25-45 minutes everyday. I started writing on 16th of March. This practice helped me develop skills such as vocabulary, sentence fluency, grammar and learning how to put forward ideas in a better manner. Also, to recheck and reflect on my writing.

LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Writing daily for 30 days, help understand one’s strengths and weaknesses through the daily practice, rereading what I’ve written and analysing my mistakes on the basis of specific skills, the delivery of the message that is being put forward and the clarity of what is written, helps understand what is lacking and what I’m good at. Being aware of my strengths and weaknesses motivate me to write better and improve my writing skills. One of the weaknesses that I could identify was my vocabulary, after knowing that, my focus on it increased and i tried using different and higher level words to make my work look better.

LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Throughout the process, it was difficult to come up with a new idea everyday even if there was a prompt for it, going from writing occasionally to writing everyday was a difficult transition. However, with research and practice I was able to grow into the habit of writing with further development of my skills, especially brainstorming. Knowing that this challenge has helped me make my writing better provokes the feeling of enthusiasm and wanting to write better since I’m aware of how this is helping me and I’m able to reflect on the work I’ve done.

LO4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

It was difficult to maintain continuity for this activity as time management was necessary considering other school work and assignments, it was harder to take out time for writing everyday. As well as that, since I was not used to writing everyday, it was more difficult to find the motivation to write with the lack of idea. Usually, it is harder to maintain perseverance since I procrastinate a lot. However, pushing myself was necessary and comparatively easier as writing is one of my hobbies, this further encouraged me to continue writing instead of skipping. Lastly, this also helped me understand the kind of motivation I need to motivate myself and the need of committing to necessary tasks.

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