
I love cycling, but was not able to do in since a long time because of the pandemic. Because of this my Physical activeness deteriorated and I became very lazy. So, I realized that I need to become more physically active and the best way to do so was by cycling as currently I am even aiming to increase my height. So, I decided a short term goal of cycling 10 km every weekend for a month.

LOs : 1, 4, 6, and 7

LO 1 : Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
I identified that I am physically inactive, hence I decided to go with cycling as it is something that I enjoy doing. I decided to only do it on weekends as the full week I would be busy with school and would get tired and will have no time after coming back from school, so weekend was a good choice as I would be able to wake up early in the morning (which is one of my weaknesses) to go for cycling to have a fresh start for the day. Also, I am not a great cyclist and can’t travel for more than 5 km in one go and hence, I wanted to challenge myself on this by aiming for 10 km each day. The initial 2 days were hard and I was really tired the whole day as I had cycled after a long time and also for a longer distance. But then it got better each weekend as I improved on my weakness.

LO 4 : Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
As I mentioned above, I was really tired the 1st day, so it became harder to wake up early the next day, so this is where perseverance and commitment was important as even though I reluctant to wake up the next day and even got a bit late, I still pushed myself and went for cycling. I was determined to complete the aim for the month and after the completion of the aim, I was still committed to do cycling even if its without an aimed distance.

LO 6 : Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Indirectly, I feel this action of mine was in relation of the issue of pollution as vehicles emit a lot of pollutants and as widely believed cycling is the solution for the same as it doesn’t only prevent pollution but also benefit ones personal health. This experience made me realize that for short distances of 10-15 km, it is better to travel by cycle than by scooters or cars and hence I have tried to implement the same in my life and also have tried to spread awareness about the same to my family and friends.

LO 7 : Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
As mentioned above, I was convinced that cycling is a ethical choice after this experience for the environment and also for my personal health.


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