Feeding street animals -experience.

I, personally, love cats and dogs, seeing street dogs and cats always melt my heart and I make sure to go up to them and try to pet them, sometimes, even feed them. The issue i am focusing on is caring for street animals, specifically dogs and cats. There are about 1 lakh street dogs in the city I live in, many street dogs don’t get food to eat and starve for most of their lives, so I took up the initiative to feed them.

I want to feed street dogs and cats as a part of the service. but I will continue to feed these cats and dogs for as long as I can (no time duration). The ones I am choosing to feed are the street dogs and cats that wander around the part of the city I live in, near my house. I fed them biscuits, milk, milk mixed with rice, or milk mixed with roti, depending on what was available with me.

Getting close to these animals, took me some effort as they were scared at first and would not be willing to come near me, but gradually, after trying for a few days, I was able to win their trust and get them to let me pet them, and even feed them from my own hands. I am very grateful for this experience because I feel happy when I know that I am able to help these animals even a little.

I focused on LO3 (Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience) firstly, I had to buy biscuits and milk from a convenient store near my house, and for cats i specifically bought cat food and I was not sure what I could feed cats, and I prepared the rice and roti from my home itself. Then I had to ask around to watchmans in my area where i could find street dogs and street cats. Then I went out to that area near my home where I knew I could find street dogs and I get them the food I prepared.

I also focused on LO4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences) I was committed towards this CAS experience due to my personal interest, My love for dogs and cats, I did not only feed them but I also played with them, as in I was petting their heads and bodies which they seemed to love a lot! I at least spent 10 mins with each dog or cat I came across.

I also focused on LO7 (Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions) there are around 1 lakh stray dogs in Surat alone, and the increase of this number is rapid. Most stray dogs and cats die of starvation. I realized that I could be of help to these helpless animals and at least feed them food, which is ethically the right thing to do, I am very emphatic towards these animals.

The learner profile I showcased here was caring as I gave them food and a bit of love (by petting them) and hoped to make their days and lives better so at least they sleep one less night hungry.


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