CAS entry 5: Activity_ Going to gym

Initially I used to be involved in some or the other activity physically; be it playing basketball, dancing or just simply going for a run. But since the pandemic hit, things had changed and now after a very long time I found the motivation to actually get up and do some sort of workout because I have come to realise that it an integral part of our life and personally for me it works like a stress reliever and helps me get into a more clear headspace. Along with that, it also helps strengthen my body and stay fit.

It was a long term activity and I used to go to gym five days a week and sometimes tried to make it 6 as well, if I got the time

Learning outcome 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of my strengths that I identified was that I have good flexibility because earlier I did use to go for Yoga and this can be very helpful in getting a better posture and muscle coordination along with reducing risk of injuries. Although since I was doing it after a very long gap, I did have several areas for growth which involved improving my stamina, endurance and strength.

Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

One of the biggest challenges that I faced initially was having low stamina and endurance. Due to that it used to get difficult for me to do high reps and I used to get tired very early on in the session and wasn’t able to reach my potential. But eventually in a month or so, I worked on them by being regular and maintaining a proper form while doing particular exercises.

One of the skills that I developed was ‘discipline’ by following a strict healthy diet and taking all the meals at a proper/required time and making that a habit.

Learning outcome 4: Show commitment and Perseverance in CAS experiences

It was me and 2 of my other friends working with the same trainer so even though we had a fixed time, sometimes it would be difficult to set a suitable a time for everyone due to one of us having other things to attend to or being busy, but we would still adjust somehow and manage to be regular and make it a point to go atleast 5 days a week.

And Even without the changes in timings, there used to be days where would I feel very lazy and didn’t feel like being physically active but I would still strive to not give up and make workout one of my top priorities.

Learning outcome 5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the effects of working collaboratively

Since it was 3 of us doing workout at the same time, we even did pair workouts like plank with a clap, russian twists etc and even did some of the stretches and cooling down together. And even without the pair workout, just doing the exercises together acted as a healthy competition and helped me stay motivated and encouraged me to push through my limits.


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