Ganesh Chaturthi

My friends and I took charge of the Ganesh Chaturthi event in our building for 10 days, from planning all the events/games to initiating them successfully. Our goal was to make this Indian festival a memorable one for all the members of the society by having fun games, activities, aartis, and bhajans.

Stage fear has been one of my biggest challenges since childhood and I have always run away from going in front of people and speaking. But I love planning and organizing events and it is my forte. It is really essential to work on your weaknesses and strengths so that you can overcome your fears or weaknesses and brush your strengths. With the support of my friends, I worked on the stage fear aspect of it by being the host throughout the event. In the future we will be part of important meetings and discussions and speaking in front of people should never keep you back hence starting from the least working on this skill will help me improve.

LO 1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

During the event, I had to speak in front of so many people and I hesitated a lot while doing so, especially on the first day. I always stall on speaking on the stage because of stage fear and I also know how important it is to improve my habit because it is going to help me in the future in any field I go to, this habit should never keep me back from expressing my opinions. it is very vital to know about your strengths and weaknesses and make the most of them.

LO 2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As mentioned the biggest challenge was speaking in front of so many faces and also taking out time from our busy schedules for planning each and every step of the event. Even in the past, I have never given myself the opportunity to give speeches or presentations, even in front of my batch mates. Through the days and with the help of my friends I push myself and tried my very level best to take the opportunity of being the host which actually boost my confidence and I feel I will want to take up something similar. I feel very proud that I took this responsibility and tried to overcome this fear besides it is very essential to learn new skills and develop yourself.

LO 3-Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Before enrolling myself in the event, I was really concerned if I would be able to manage everything but surprisingly I did it actually quite well. Personally, I prefer when things are planned and organized by me, but planning takes up a lot of time as I am very indecisive. Initiating is the easier part but still, sometimes it is not possible to stick to the plan. Planning and initiating are important life skills that help to be on time.

LO 4-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I love working together with different people because I get to know about their work patterns and new ideas so working with my friends was certainly very insightful but full of disagreements due to differences in opinion. So working collaboratively was easy but stressful sometimes because not everyone agreed on the same thing and we got stuck on a few things. Working collaboratively is a must skill everyone should learn because it is not only insightful but exciting at the same time and the workload is divided equally which makes it easy. Also, it teaches you how to adjust and respect others’ opinions and make people understand yours too. Leadership was required throughout because adjusting our timetables accordingly and respecting each other’s opinions was necessary.

The highlight of this experience was when the event was successful and each one of us was appreciated by the elders in our society we all felt proud and how our efforts paid off so well.





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