Training and Participating in athletics competitions.

(LO-1, LO-4)

Athletics is something which I always love to see and perform. And I have been practicing athletics (Long jump) since I was a child and I’ve even had success in it. However one of my major goals over the years have been clearing states and participating in nationals. Hence I train very hard in order to achieve this goal. Therefore, even for my CAS experience the goal remains the same, which was to clear states and play for nationals this year in SGFI (School games federation of India) 2021. This CAS experience is all about how I manage my workout/training routine before my competition and how I train for the same and look to achieve my goal.

Since I’ve been practicing athletics since I was a child I’m already aware about my strengths and weaknesses as an athlete in respect to my event which is long jump. As an athlete, my strengths are that I’m overall disciplined as a person. i.e. I’m quite focused towards doing the controllables right when I’m on the field, I rigorously follow my diet and take sufficient nutrition into my body, I’m very organized and balanced with my routine such as sleeping and waking up early in the morning so that I can give time to my sport. Also particularly during this experience I’ve done body weight workout and with weights workout in the gym to gain power which is also my strength as an athlete going forward.

For an athlete it is very important to know and work upon your weakness as well along with your strength because that is the learning curve for an athlete— looking to convert your weakness into a strength. Otherwise, it can also haunt you as a player in the future.

In the last 4-5 years my major weakness has been the lack of flexibility of my body and due to that lack of flexibility, it has been the reason behind many injuries in the past. Therefore, I have looked to work upon the same by doing a full body stretching session with my physiotherapist once a week. If I were more flexible in the past, I would have excelled more as compared to what I have over the years. 

To begin with, perseverance and commitment is always necessary in every sport/game that you play, and athletics is no different. Throughout the experience, I tried to give my 100% commitment during my training hours with utmost focus. However, since it has been a longtime I regularly practiced long jump, it is very difficult to come back in full rhythm during training hours. Therefore, I try to be patient and persistent and look to do the basics right to get back doing my best.

Throughout the experience I had to be on my toes in terms of time management and prioritization because I had many others things to do except for athletics. However, since I wanted to get back to full rhythm and prepare before my event day, I prioritized athletics wherever it was possible and showed my commitment towards my event.

Personally, it is never easy for me to commit to things because I am not able to be consistent at it. And it is an area of improvement and something that I’ve started to work upon. After all, when you want to achieve something, you have to give your 100% commitment to it and for that you have to be persistent and consistent with the same.

District event video

Preparation for States

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