CAS entry 3: Activity_ Going for cycling

For a while now I had been wanting to start with cycling again. I learnt it as a child but It had been many years since I last did it. It is one of those physical activities which I have always enjoyed doing. It gives me a lot of time to think and recollect my thoughts. I can listen to music while doing it and at the same time I can also continue working on my endurance and lower body strength. Which is why from the past 2 months, on every Saturday and Sunday, I have started cycling. Every week I try to cover a larger distance and attempt to increase my speed as well. And I plan to keep continuing with this plan.

Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

Not being able to cycle for a particular amount of time was one of the biggest challenge that I faced. I had low stamina due to which I used to get tired very easily and my legs would start paining. But after doing it frequently I have worked on my stamina and am now able to cover long distances.

Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

Firstly, initiating with the activity itself was a difficult task because it was after a very long time that I was actually indulging my self into some sort of physical activity and was very determined to continue with it. In addition, the activity required planning as I had to fit it into my schedule and decide on the timing at which I would be going for cycling and had to fix a duration for the same in accordance with all the other things I had planned for my weekend.

Learning outcome 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I as it is had a very busy schedule and used to get very tired. Which is why during this activity I really motivated myself and made it a point to go every weekend. There were times when I wasn’t able to go, but I made sure to make up for them in the weekdays by waking up early in the morning. And even now, I am still continuing with cycling and try to stick to it.

Learning outcome 6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Pollution and extreme fuel usage are the kind of global issues that everybody is dealing with and something that has extremely bad repercussions in long term. Every time I go for cycling I ask my Mother about the things she needs in terms or grocery or if something needs to be picked up or dropped off nearby so that later on she does not take a car to do the same work. This is my way of helping the environment while doing something I enjoy.

Learning outcome 7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Once when I was cycling I was already in a hurry because I was getting late for family brunch but on the way home I saw an injured dog and then I had the choice to whether help or not but I choose to help. Nature club ( an animal rescue shelter in Surat) was close by so I called them and waited till they came and picked up the wounded dog.

Evidences (Video evidence of me cycling)

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