Personal Finance blog

My keen interest personal finance gave me an idea on how about I share my knowledge on investments via a blog and for that I had to narrow down my current existing knowledge on investment. I used wix to make a blog. C/S

I demonstrated LO 2 demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills, I din’t know how to design and decorate a blog for which I had to go through different tutorials on youtube and select an appropriate outlet and then make the blog more interactive. Also sometimes the blog used to lag and some features were not working due to my lack of knowledge on how to work on wix so I had to again search for solutions.

I demonstrated LO 4 Commitment to and perseverance the time when I was making blog a lot of technical and mental issues were they I had my SAT exam next month and I had to work side by side to make the blog and the after the blog was made the launch issues was there and it was’t working on phones so I had to face many issues and I stopped working to make a blog and rested for 2 days and then started again after which I was successful able to make a blog and make it public

I demonstrated LO 6 engagement with issues of global significance I personally think personal finance and investment options are something that every child should know from early years so that we don’t face issues after coming in the cooperate world this is something very subjective to ones opinion I am a leaner and I still don’t posses every knowledge out there this is a global issues about not knowing personal finance and engagement on how to organise money.

Overall making my first blog I was very happy and I learned a lot.

Blog link :-

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