Regular working out at the gym can provide excellent emotional benefits, as well as reducing stress and anxiety. it not only provides reducing stress and anxiety but also helps in controlling weight , fight against harmful disease , improves mood , make you feel happier and stronger .
LO1 : I’m doing workout for almost 8 months now and what an experience it has been till now . Taking part in this activity I’ve faced many ups and downs . Taking part in this activity taught me my strength and weaknesses . it instills values of empathy and generosity . The main reason of me doing trekking is that more or less it shapes personal values and your body structure
LO5 : :I’m really into doing out since it’s an excellent way to relieve stress in your life by releasing toxins, which are known to make us feel good! Gym activities urge you to work out on a daily basis, doing both aerobics and strength training exercises, thereby supporting your joints and muscles and making you stronger day by day
LO6 : Working out its a part of lifestyle now . it helps me demonstrate an understanding of the psychological benefits of movement , physical activity and wellness and being physically active can help you lead a healthier and happier life . it also helps demonstrate knowledge of risk factors associated with exercise and disease .