Providing food to the needy (S)

Food is one of the most basic requirements for human survival. It supplies people with the energy and nutrients they require to grow and develop, gain strength, and work productively. I realized how much we take for granted in our daily lives. I knew there were a lot of homeless people in the country, but I had no idea how bad it was. Every street was lined with the poor. Many people lived in cardboard, wood, and paper houses.

LO4 : Many people believe that feeding the poor is a good idea, and they act on it. Many people wonder what they will get in return if they help others. You may also be wondering what the advantages of assisting the poor are. It is all about assisting someone in living a better life by providing them with nutritious food. You can be a god to someone by donating a small portion of your wealth and food. These people have to work very hard to get food, and the food they do get is either insufficient or of poor quality. These people want to get any kind of food to help them survive, and it makes no difference to them what kind of food they get.


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