Anand Utsav (service)

Anand Utsav was a event organized by my batchmates, for the support staff of our school. The purpose of the event was show the importances and value they hold in the organization. All the cleaner, drivers, etc. We organized a event having fun games, dances, mini challenges. We intented every support staff member to enjoy to the fullest. There were more than 100 support staff members and admin teachers. We required a big team in order to organize the whole event.

I was on day volunteer, my role was to carry out games, manage the flow of the event. There 2 rounds where the staff members were divided. I had to manage the timings,batches and different games. Games like tug of war, football, lemon race and ended with disco.

LO1-  Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

One of my strength is leadership skills. Due to absent members on the day of anand Utsav. I had to step up and manage the event. I used my strength to organize the event in the time period. There were also some equipments missing, which needed to taken care of. There were many small mismanagement but I recognized it and tried my best to use everyone’s strength and efforts to a great event. I realised, there was a scope for growth in terms of communication as due to time lag and less member, there were many heated communications, which can be avoided next time.

LO 5- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

As mentioned above. Anand Utsav had many participants, in terms of staff members. We needed a hard working team where everyone divides their role and help the event to be successful. While working together, I realized, I am very short tempered, I often shout at my team members, that is one thing which I have improve. Working together helps to seek trust in other efforts, reduce the workload on individual as the work is divided into different parts. As a team, we become one and look strong during the event, as everyone knows their duty and help the event to go as planned.

LO7 – Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

The learning outcome talks about ethics of choices and actions. I decided to volunteer and serve the support staff for helping us for so many years. Our aim was to thank the support staff for being with us and our school. This required many actions such as organizing the games, communication and other things. Waking up early and coming to schools on weekends shows the choices I’ve made in order to be dedicated and discipline.

The event turned out to be successful and all the work and efforts turned out to a great result. The event was also very good, had a lot of fun serving back to the people who helped us for many years.

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