CAS Entry 5: Never Alone

Creativity Component

LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

LO 7:Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Never Alone is a support group started by Mana shah and me. The idea is to create a teen support group for teenagers who’ve anxiety or mental issues can just come and share things in a safe space. This experience is extremely near to my heart because while growing up I’d always wish to have a space where I know I can talk things out and not pile them up in my head. Every Sunday morning we gather around and we’ve different agendas such as meditation, colour therapy, sharing best and worst days, talking about your trigger points, etc.

For people to feel comfortable sharing things in front of you, you need to create that space by yourself and be kinder to people in day to day life as well. So I decided to make small day to day life changes. I began talking to new people and being polite, I used to fill in my gratitude journal everyday, research on ways that can help calm people down and ways I can help people during different circumstances, etc. Of course there have been many challenges such as people not feeling comfortable talking but with time gradually we made sure things never came on anyone’s ethical issues.

This was a completely new exposure for me since I’ve never done anything that involves talking about your personal life. Initially it was difficult for me to open up as well but I realized that if I wouldn’t open up people would feel awkward too.

Here’s are a few pictures/videos from of our sessions:

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