Gym 2020-2022 (Activity)

There is no particular age for staying fit. I was unfit and I have reduced 25 kgs in my 2 years of IBDP from 2020-2022. I started going to the gym when I realized that when I was unfit it made me very unconfident while performing any type of task. I felt that now its high time to think about my body’s health and I had to start working on it. I discussed it with my dad and he motivate me to go to the gym with him every 6 days a week. Due to a very packed schedule including school and other classes, I did not have time to go to the gym. I did not have a chance to keep my physical health maintained. Hence, it became more important than ever to take action. (LO1 and LO3). so I had to wake up early at 5 am every day get ready by 5.30 and reach the gym by 6:00 am. I had to sacrifice my sleeping time. waking up at 5 am with sore muscles and going to the gym was as difficult as any other rigorous task in life. I am working out daily in the gym since march 2020 till date and have learned since that time that it is making me fit. I have decided that till June 2022 I will not stop going to the gym and will be committed to it, as it is for my benefit.

I did see a lot of change in myself after a few months it improved my health I was able to gain confidence and still gaining more.

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