Swappers Stop (Creativity)

Description of the experience:
Swappers Stop was an event where in exchange for usable items, like clothes, books, accessories, etc, each individual received credit points which they may use to exchange again for the items others have poured in on the day of the event. The main aim of this event was to actually practice sustainability rather than just preaching it. I volunteered to be a part of the decor committee and make the atmosphere eventful.

Learning outcome 2:
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The primary challenge faced during the event was making the best out of the resources available and time management. As all of us are in the last year of our school, we had several submissions and other academic tasks to be completed hence balancing and prioritizing were a must. We were given a time period that was extremely crucial to work with but through prioritizing and working extra hours by coming early, we were successfully able to meet our expectations.

Learning outcome 5:
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

As a team, each one of us would back up for one another when we had slots to attend or were not able to make it due to other priorities. Working collaboratively helped in creative aspects as everybody had unique ideas that were clubbed together to make the event sustainable and aesthetically appealing. Working collaboratively also aided me in developing interpersonal skills as I learned how to connect with people.

Learning outcome 6:
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

Our main aim was to make the event as sustainable as possible for which we reused materials like newspaper, plastic bottles, and other decorations that were used in previous events. We tried to minimize our waste even while handing out invitations for our event. The two main SDGs that were the focus of this event were Climate Action and Responsible Consumption and Production. Every step was taken with proper planning and evaluation of its impact on society as a whole.

Final takeaway:
I developed self-management skills and also learned how to work efficiently with the resources at hand. Communicator, Balanced, and Thinker were the top learner profiles that were used during the entire process of organizing Swappers Stop.

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