
I wanted to learn how to cook food, so that I could be more independent. Since, I want to live outside of India, where cooking will be an important factor, since I won’t be able to afford a chef and my mother won’t be there.

Learning outcome 1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth):

From the starting of my cooking sessions, I kept in mind my weaknesses due to the lack of cooking knowledge I have. Over time with the help of my mom, I managed to improve and expand my knowledge in the cooking field. I chose this activity due to personal preference and interest as I was able to use this as an opportunity to become more independent, by developing skills and expanding my knowledge.

Learning outcome 2 (Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process):

This experience was a challenge to me as I had null knowledge about the spices, and utensils used in the kitchen to create a food dish. Over time I researched and gathered more knowledge, and learned from my previous mistakes on the amount of spice required in a certain serving, and improved on it. Slowly, I perfected the amount of spice required for the certain item I am creating.

Learning outcome 3 (Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience):

This experience required me to gain knowledge from numerous places before I could begin executing the production of a dish. The activity required me to research and learn about specific items in the kitchen to understand how items were made. I also had to learn about the safety precautions that I had to take, to keep myself from harm.

Learning outcome 4 (Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences):

I wanted to learn how to cook food, so that I could be more independent. Since, I want to live outside of India, where cooking will be an important factor, since I won’t be able to pay for a chef and my mother won’t be there. I will learn this skill from my mother.
Cooking has always been something I was passionate about; I love trying out different types food and this is why I want to learn to make those foods from different cultures. I want to learn cooking so i can take care of myself, wherever I am away from my parents, where food will be easy to access.

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