Robin Hood Army Surat

Robinhood Army (RHA) is an NGO that works for the community by distributing food in different regions of the city and organizing food drives after collecting food from various occasions or third-party donations. Working as a volunteer at RHA allows me to engage with many people suffering from hunger and poverty. We started as a small organization with 18 volunteers with the support of restaurant food chains and some third-party donors. We interacted with a large chain of restaurants in the city individually and let them know about our goal to try to eliminate hunger. We believed that our work would be the best way to attract people and hence had faith in ourselves. The start of something is always tricky, and it was the same for us when we couldn’t collect much food due to COVID lockdown and also couldn’t get many donations at the start. As it was a first-time experience for all of us, it became challenging to face this as we had to find a way to deal with it. We decided to promote ourselves by reaching out to a large group of people individually and informing them how we are trying to help the community and make it stand better off. As we started working in a time of need and restrictions, we had to make people believe that we were not a scam, so we found a way by collecting everyday evidence and uploading the same on social media to grab people’s attention. As we undertook this challenge, we allowed ourselves to take a new role and enhance our critical thinking, open-mindedness, and communication skills. Working with these new skills makes me feel more confident and vital to the community I am helping. Spending my leisure time helping RHA was one of the best ways I could be of some use to my society and I felt better about helping the same. RHA has always allowed me to expand behind horizons and help myself grow by giving out opportunities every other day. New tasks every day allowed me to gain new experiences, such as collecting food, promoting the organization, and even convincing restaurants and households to donate food. Eventually, when I let myself in for the organization, it made me feel like family, wherein you get immense love when you bring smiles to numerous faces while I donate food. Planning and initiating the thing helped us to achieve our aims as we had multiple plans to reach out to restaurants and other third-party donors to support us. Being an extrovert has always allowed me to talk with others freely, and I always knew how much to share and protect myself. Being an extrovert generally helped me try and communicate with a wide range of people and intrigue them to know about us and support the functions of our organization. Working collaboratively helped us understand how well we can work together and what were the everyday things we observed or faced as individuals. The collaboration allowed us to know the range of perspectives on a single thing as every one of us took the challenges and interacted with others differently. Over 829 million people are malnourished worldwide, and over a billion people are estimated to live in poverty. We as an organization might not have been able to reach out to all of them, but working at our best, we were able to get around 20000 people over the year 2020-2021. Knowing that this stands as a global issue, it is a moment of pride wherein I can be helpful to the community I live in and work for the betterment of the world. CAS experience allowed me to explore myself beyond the horizon to encounter personal growth. My choices to perform this as my CAS experience allowed me to grow myself with empathy, compassion, and respect. Working around a bunch of people with varied personalities gave me exposure to heart by looking at how others feel and act in various situations. Respecting is the best way while you are around others and also with yourself as that gives you a feeling of how you accept yourself and others in contrasting conditions. Empathetic feel grows within when you experience a range of emotions while interacting with numerous people in daily life. Sharing the RHA family helped me attain all three attributes mentioned above. 

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