CAS Reflection _ Rangoli (Creativity)

Making Rangoli is a kind of art where symmetry meets beautiful patterns along with artistic freedom. I chose to venture into this art for the boundless creativity offered with limitless permutations and combinations of patterns and colors. I picked this art to experience the real life experience of handling and dispensing various colour forms and practicing available color selections. I have categorized this endeavor in the creativity and activity component for my CAS.

I catered to learning outcome 1 since I was able to identify my strength in drawing simple and fairly complex patterns. However, I also realized my shortcoming when I attempted to enact on a three dimensional pattern. Just like drawing, I fell short in visualization and proportionality when it comes to simulating three dimensional visualizations that have to be confined in two dimensional canvases.

I catered to learning outcome 2 since making a fairly appreciable Rangoli needs a boatload of patience and endurance to perform intricate and repetitive tasks. My irritability jumped a few levels.

I catered to learning outcome 5 since I had to brainstorm with my family members the quantity of colors to be used, the type of design to be made, the tools necessary for the completion of the design, size and dimensions of the design and the message to be conveyed through the deisgn etc.

I catered to learning outcome 7 by considering the various monetary costs involved in Rangoli along with the placement of the Rangoli in order to beautify the surroundings while simultaneously not hindering the path of the guests to the entrance.

Overall, I would consider my whole experience a success as I learnt a lot and had enormous amounts of fun while performing group activities. I am content with my overall progress and achievements I have catered to in the pursuit of Rangoli making. 

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