Gym (activity)

Exercise is something that is integral to a person’s physical well-being. Even though it is something that I did regularly in school, it fell off when the global pandemic hit, and apart from doing it a few times here and there, it became almost non-existent for me. So I decided to do regular physical exercise in the form of home and gym routines to focus on my physicality and athleticism. I did this with the help of an app (Nike Training Club) and used both equipment at home and at the gym to stay committed.

LO 1 – I used internal reflection to identify my physical strengths and weaknesses, which was made easier by using reps as a measure of my initial abilities. By measuring how many reps was I able to do in a given physical activity like pushups, I was able to compare it to later values and other average rep counts, which helped me to identify which muscle areas required more work.

LO 3 – I had to use intensive planning in this to keep track of my workouts and make sure they didn’t intrude on the time I had set aside for other activities such as academics. I made use of the calendar app on my phone for this, and also created a workout plan. The plan was made initially using the NTC app, but then I transitioned to another plan that targeted a PPL (push-pull legs) cycle to help with the logistics of the same.

LO 4 – The physical intensity of this activity required persistence from my end, and to do so I created a reminder system to remind me to work out at least 4 days a week. Even on days when I didn’t feel like it, I still pushed myself to work out for at least 15 mins at the least every day.

Apart from the obvious physical benefits, exercise helped me to be more risk-taking (in terms of physical activities) and also helped me to improve my time management and act as a stress-buster, as exercise is known to increase dopamine levels. Furthermore, this also encouraged me to continue exercising apart from CAS, which made me a more balanced person and learner.

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