Cycling Club

Cycling is something that I loved to do as a kid. But for a long time, I had not done cycling due to my increasing school work in late MYP years. However, the diploma programme has given me the opportunity to take up cycling as my new CAS project. In this CAS project, me and my friends have planned to make a cycling club where we will go for cycling to Dumas every weekend for a month.

LO 1: I was good at cycling as I practiced it a lot. In grade 8, I had even been in a 50km cycling marathon. But slowly it became my weakness as I was not able to practice it. My endurance was also reduced due to this. This made me feel very sad. It was important for me to work on my fitness and increase my endurance. Taking cycling as my CAS project helped me work on my fitness and helped me overcome my weakness of less endurance.

LO 3: Not only did I do cycling for my own fitness but me and my friends decided to create a cycling club where people can join us on Sundays to do cycling with us and improve their fitness too. For creating the club, me and my friends had to initiate a plan. First, we did a survey in our school about who would like to join our club. Then we made a Whatsapp group where we discussed the timings and dates for the cycling. Deciding the location, date and time which suits everyone in the cycling club was a very difficult task for us. Planning seemed easy but once the plan was initiated, there was a lot of chaos in the Whatsapp group. However, we did narrow down on date and time; Sunday morning and the destination; Dumas beach. Everyone was delighted to come. From this I learnt that leadership skills are very important when planning such projects. Planning and initiating in future will be easier for me now due to this CAS experience.

LO 4: As said earlier, I did not do cycling for a long time and it was difficult for me to cycle till Dumas Beach. However, with commitment and perseverance, I did not stop and completed the ride. The first ride was difficult for me but as I developed endurance during the course of this experience, other rides became easier. And this is because of the commitment shown by me towards the CAS experience.

LO 5: Generally, working with others is easy for me as the work can be divided. Me and my friends were able to work collaboratively during the project. However, there were some instances where club members were whining about the morning timings. But with the help of majority voting, teamwork and leadership, we were able to convince those members to wake up early for their fitness.

LO 7: The main ethical constraint while doing this project was that when such big group of people go for cycling, it is very important to maintain the traffic discipline. To reach to our destination, we had to go through main roads where the speed limit for cars is above 50 kmph. This issue could not only hinder the traffic on the road but also endanger the safety of our group members. This issue made it even more difficult for us to implement the project. However, we still continued and tried our best to not hinder the traffic on that road. Fortunately, there were no casualties during this project.

In all, I was able to develop my endurance due to my commitment and perseverance towards the experience. And the planning and initiating part helped me develop my leadership skills and work collaboratively with others. We were also making sure everyone is safe by keeping the group together during rides. We also made wearing helmet compulsory for the safety of the group.


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