CAS – Anand Utsav (Service)

¨Anand Utsav¨ translates to ¨an event for enjoyment¨ and it was event organized by my fellow students from grade 12 , it was an event for the support staff working at my school and was a way to give something back to them in some sort of an event , which was only dedicated to them . So for a day they were relieved off of their duties and were part of that celebration.

I was part of the Anand Utsav as an on-day volunteer my work was to set up the tables and dashboards at the games stalls , and also to conduct some games for them , like throwing the ball , blindfolded pinata and Nerf gun shooting.

LO-1 (Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth) – I identified my strengths which were interaction and communication skills , and my ability to move heavy objects . The ability to lift weights helped me move and place the tables and dashboards at their designated areas and the ability to interact and communicate helped me connect with the support staff and.

LO-5 ( Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively) – I was a member of a team for the anand utsav, and we were given hierarchical commands to follow. Working together was crucial to making sure that everything went as planned because of the size of the event. Due to the simultaneous use of two venues, delegation of tasks made sure that the crowd was split and that each phase of the event was completed.

LO-7 (Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions) – Identify and take into account the ethics of decisions and behaviour I decided to volunteer at this event because I understand the value of “acts of kindness” and spreading goodwill. Volunteering at the Anand Utsav was the perfect way for me to express my thanks because I felt that as students, we needed to recognise the support and administrative staff’s services.

My final takeaway of anand utsav was that It was a fun and happiness spreading event , it truly stood up-to its name , and was a wonderful opportunity for me to work with the support staff helping with the daily operations of our school.

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