CAS Experience: Self Care

Lockdown really had a toll on my body emotionally and physically. So when things finally became all active and back to normal, I wanted to take this opportunity to start working out and work on my physical fitness. I did activities like walking, dancing and changing my diet to work on my physical health.

Learning outcome 1- L1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for growth

I think the very fact that my health got bad was due to my carelessness and dislike for working out. It was when we met professionals that we realized that my dislike for working out because of the after pain was related to a health issue that required me to keep my diet in check while keeping track of my daily movement. I analyzed my strengths which were my want to get better and my weakness being the certain desires and urges to go back to my previous habits. The fact that I am aware of it gives me clarity about the decisions I am making about my lifestyle and helps be more mindful of my actions. To know strengths and weaknesses is essential because that is what guided my entire journey. I did work on my weaknesses but it was a journey and after a month there were times when my old habits relapsed and I had to get myself back on track.

Learning outcome 2- L2. Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills

It was very challenging because my body was not used to no sugar and working out, so I was weak sometimes and even went through withdrawal symptoms right before my AP exam. But I think this showed the learner profile caring for myself where I fought and went way out of my comfort zone to make a big difference in my physical health. There were times when decreased fat content and checking of BMi made my day, and sometimes when things didn’t work out, staying positive and relying on the fact that things will get b better made the journey smoother. I think the determination that I have developed will help accomplish great long term projects in the future too.

Learning outcome 4-. Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

As described above, the two month process needed a lot of commitment and I managed to lose 4 kgs with an increased fitness score and a better BMI. This is just a start to a better physical health, and there is only more great things to come. I think this required a lot of sacrifice which made it all the more worth it when I saw results. All the things that I had been practicing in the past were deemed wrong, and years old habits were changed and altered.


CAS Experience Type- Activity

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