GYM (Activity)

As an IBDP student, I have a lot of assignments and deadlines to complete and in that process we as students often forget about our physical well being. To keep a balance between my physical fitness and academics, I started going to the gym so that I can maintain my mental as well as physical wellbeing. I visited the gym daily for 2 hours and for 6 months till the date. Through this CAS experience I had learned to be balanced in both my physical wellbeing as well as my academics. 

LO 3 “Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience”.​​ This CAS experience was one of the toughest CAS experiences, as I had to manage all my tuition classes and also the Gym timings. Due to this CAS experience I was super busy and I became more organized. Planning to join the Gym was easy but the initiating part was hard as I had to reschedule my classes and make enough time for gym. 

LO 4 “Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences”. It was very difficult for me to go for Gym regularly because I used to be very tired after going to other classes and wanted some rest. Due to this I used to bunk a few gym sessions and would stay home but as the time passed i became a lot more serious towards gym and by the end i was punctual. After I became serious I was able to beat my PR (personal record) and started seeing fast results in my-self.

LO 5 “Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively”. As I had my trainer instructing me in the gym, it was pretty easy for me to learn new workouts and follow my trainer. He always corrected my posture and Rep frequency, he being a professional knew how to deal with every kind of client and so he was very nice and understanding with me. Working with him was a very easy job and we got a lot of fast results. 

Through this CAS experience the learner profile attributes I developed were Balanced as I had to manage all the timing and reschedule my entire day in order to take time for GYM. Through this CAS experience I learned many different workouts and exercises, additionally I realized that I made many mistakes while practicing a few exercises at home due to zero guidance. Furthermore, in the starting of a few months I did not see any growth in my wellbeing as I was not punctual and was not seriously doing the exercises but gradually I developed myself and started focusing on the GYM. 

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